Martha Morgan is a wilful, irascible, irrepressible individual who is reputed, in her prime, to be the most beautiful woman in Wales. She’s brave, loyal, compassionate and very passionate too. She has great generosity of spirit. She has premonitions and sees visions and omens, and has to learn how to control her own psychic powers. She attracts both good men and bad — and this brings her both bliss and terror. But she outlives all of the men whom she loves, and all of her enemies. She has a tendency to interfere in things that should be of no concern, and also to sink into bouts of deep “melancholia”. One of her greatest flaws is her tendency to take delight in revenge when forgiveness might be appropriate -- and this worries her friends and family.  She’s a tragic heroine who should be defeated by the flaws in her own character, but every time she’s brought low she finds the resilience to come up smiling again. She also learns, very slowly, to trust her friends and her servants.  Though she is still incorrigible and impulsive in her old age, she almost learns how to be wise.......
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